Unlock your knowledge before lights out and take your interest to the grandstands. Grandstand is all things Formula!

Started in 2024, Grandstand is an online blog focused on the news, tactics and politics in the world of Formula One and Formula One Academy. Grandstands aim is to break out of the box that starting out in sports journalism requires a broad topic by spreading knowledge about Formula One Academy. Its aim is also to promote female empowerment within the sport and encourage a welcoming environment to new fans. Getting to grips with a new sport isn’t easy, Grandstand understands that. That’s why its aim is to discuss a variety of topics covering every corner of the sport. On top of Grandstands weekly posts, every race week a new edition of Grandstand Gazette will be added, giving a short and concise rundown of the grand prix ahead.

Grandstand is a one woman team driven by passion and enjoyment. Everything that is curated and written for Grandstand is handcrafted by one person, me! The same goes for Grandstands social media. All I can ask for is that you give Grandstand a try, some patience and choose to stick around.